Monday, 16 July 2012

My Obsession with the Fifties

One of my favorite past times is simply looking at editorials from the 1950's. Something fascinates me about this era, whether it be the perfect hair, tiny waists or the glamor. I find my muse in old editorials, with a fraction of the magazines we have today being available back then, it is quite interesting to see editorials from over 50 years ago. Each shot makes me think who was this woman? And then of course my mind wanders into a million other questions. Right now the 50's is my favorite era to look back on, it may change with time. I love finding out which era other people love, because I think it can say a lot about a person - whats yours?

Glamour Editorial: Dressing for Holiday Parties, December 1956

Glamour Editorial: Glamour's Best Buy, December 1956

Glamour Editorial: Jean Patchett Tells Her Beauty Secrets, April 1954

Harper's Bazaar Editorial: American Cottons, April 1957

Mademoiselle Editorial: Station Wagon Living, March 1959


  1. The fifties was definitely a unique decade. I think fashion from the past is great! Nothing should ever go completely out of style. We should keep mixing trends.

    1. I completely agree !! Fashion history is my favorite. xxx

  2. I love the fifties too, the shapes were just so feminine x

    Carousel Secrets

    1. i know - those silhouettes are just perfection. xxx
