Tuesday, 8 November 2011

My Encounter with Denis Gagnon

Knowing the name from the fine print on editorials, bios on the Internet or the website, never truly allows you to feel the presence of a designer. I had the sudden opportunity of meeting one of Canada’s finest designers and I did not pass up the opportunity. It is not the typically introduction you are thinking of, I can assure you.

I was told that Denis Gagnon needed help unloading his truck, so doing as I was told, I immediately ran outside to see how I could help. Without allowing my inside joy to show, I turned on my professional mode and asked if there was anything I could do. As I helped carry in the last of the boxes of shoes, bags of clothes and accessories, I was sent on a mission to find another steamer. Successfully finding a second steamer for the designer got me something I thought I would never hear, ”Thank you very much for you help” in the kindest French accent. For him to take the time out of his very busy day preparing for the upcoming show, to say thank you to a simple volunteer like me, was more than gratifying.

As the hours flew by I later found myself dressing for the David Dixon show and no sooner as the rack of clothes flew out the room, in came the Spring/ Summer 2012 Collection by Denis Gagnon. My main position was a dresser, so I took a rack, with a models name and two outfits. There was little time in between the last show and Denis Gagnon’s so, the designer and his assistants were flying around the room getting everything arranged, so we could start the show on time. In the midst of all of the commotion (mostly in French) Denis comes straight to me with a white bag. “I remember you. I trust you. This is $100,000 in Birks jewelry. Guard this.” He said in broken English, but I got the message loud and clear, don’t drop it or break it or loose anything! So that was exactly what I did until his accessory assistant took it off my hands, and the show began.

The show was one of the best during LG Fashion Week; I truly believe it was because the amount of the small details in the garments. He used fabric paint to decorate many of the outfits, and the floral print was fresh in my eyes for spring. Overall the experience I had that day is one I will never forget, I guess it just goes to show that it only takes the simplest acts to have a feeling of fulfillment.

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